Airport Pianos

Airport Pianos 🎹 # is devoted to helping more airports find pianos.

This site is a collection of resources for piano donors. We hope to, over time, write documentation on:

  1. How to contact an airport about making a donation
  2. Costs associated with donating a piano (e.g. moving, tuning, maintenance)
  3. The logistics involved with making a donation

How to Contact an Airport #

Finding Contact Information #

Facilitating an Ask #

When emailing an airport, you should cover:

Help wanted: We're actively looking to improve this section. Please reach out to capjamesg if you have knowledge pertinent to this section.

Costs #

Potential costs:

Help wanted: We're actively looking to improve this section. Please reach out to capjamesg if you have knowledge pertinent to this section.

Logistics #

Help wanted: We're actively looking to improve this section. Please reach out to capjamesg if you have knowledge pertinent to this section.

Contributing ✍️ #

This guide is maintained by capjamesg. We welcome contributions from anyone with knowledge on donating pianos to airports, or who is willing to help facilitate donating a piano.